It took me some months to realize that actually I could prepare things all by myself, and then it started. I don’t know what was first, but some kind of torte probably – besides all those cakes I helped my mum with. When I was going to high school, I wanted to attend kind of gastronomy-technical school (or however I should call that – our educational system is silly) and get a profession, but my parents, of course, were against (you will waste time, won’t go to uni etc) so I didn’t apply. Guess they thought it was short fascination that will pass, but it didn’t, so now they are closer and closer to sending me to culinary school someday in future.
Anyway. Having had highs and lows, of course, dozen of birthday cakes and failed meringues, I can tell I’m learning.
This is probably first trial of ‘food styling,’ but not quite, maybe more of tasty-looking food photo taking. Chocolate matcha caramel if I recall correctly. I wish I had better camera, that would catch all twinkles and shadows and make the photos more beautiful, but that must wait.
The first big cake I made was for my father’s 50th birthday, several months ago, two layer chocolate cake with peppermint buttercream and meringue hidden inside, decorated with mascarpone icing and marzipan roses. As my parents were in heaven, I decided that this is kind of thing to do for my whole life: make people’s faces brighten and their lips smile and their eyes shine. The magic of handmade and pretty (but that’s not so necessary) food is astounding and I want to be the magician.
The cake that’s on photos below is somehow similar to that one months ago. It was made foe my best friend’s coming-of-age party. It’s yellow sponge cake, vanilla Swiss meringue buttercream, peaches hidden inside and fondant roses. Of course the biggest problem was not making the cake, but transporting it, luckily not far away and everything went okay. She was so happy to see the cake, it’s the most amazing feeling for me too, to satisfy someone. We hugged for so long then, ahh. She moved to Ireland nearly three years ago so I get to see her only during holidays (that was when her birthday is, too) so it was even more intense and dear to us both. It was a lovely lovely paty, back in August, we sat till 3 a.m. next to fire and talked with her sisters. At the end we put all remaining branches into the fire and it shot 3 meters high, huge and hot and lovely, smoke serpents slithering around pine treetops. I wish rare summer days like that would last forever.
She is coming back to Poland in a week and I can't wait. And make real princess fairy Marie Antoinette feast.
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